Ispiring Innovation, Driving Excellence




Silicon Europe Worldwide and TAITRA signed an MoU

Silicon Europe Worldwide and TAITRA signed an MoU

Athens, 27th October 2016: Silicon Europe Worldwide, a member of which is mi-CLuster, and the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA)…
gi-Cluster participated at the Game Connection 2016

gi-Cluster participated at the Game Connection 2016

Athens, 31st October 2016. gi-Cluster participated for the second year in a row at the Game Connection 2016, which held in…
European Open Science Cloud Pilot Project Kicked Off

European Open Science Cloud Pilot Project Kicked Off

Athens, 20th January 2017: Athena RC and Corallia participated in the kick-off meeting of the European Open Science Cloud for Research…
Space2Waves Internationalization Programme

Space2Waves Internationalization Programme

The project aims at the internationalization of EU SMEs in Australia, Canada, South Africa & United Arab Emirates, through the…
CASSINI Hackathon Greece

CASSINI Hackathon Greece

The CASSINI Hackathons & Mentoring is a bold initiative to connect hackers to space by using Copernicus data & services…
3rd CASSINI Hackathon

3rd CASSINI Hackathon The 3rd CASSINI HACKATHON will take place simultaneously in 10 European countries from 12 to 14 May 2022, with…
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